Thursday, October 7, 2010

newer nicer place

Just finished a couple stints of housesitting so i'm in a new place tonight, the Cool Harbor Motel in Front Royal, VA. Because snap judgements are so satisfying and fun, i've got to say it's a nice place. New paint, chairs that don't rock, no pitch black on the bottom of my feet. I even have a telephone that isn't in the bathroom. The network isn't exactly reliable, but it's good enough to make this post.

And it's $5 / week cheaper than the Bluemont Inn right next door. The point is that what you pay is not what you get in motels, particularly low-budget, mom-and-pop type places. One of the nicest places i've stayed was a small place on Long Lake in far upstate New York, and while it wasn't the cheapest (something like $60), it was far from the most expensive. One of the reasons i want to write about motels is to give myself a reason to be braver ab't the places i stay. Because there are nice surprises out there if you can take a chance for them.

1 comment:

  1. No updates? Great, you were abducted by (more) transient people.
